August 3 | 0 COMMENTS

Sun shines in Stirling for SSVP Scotland youths
The sunshine of the Stirlingshire countryside was the scene of a celebration of St Vincent de Paul as SSVP Scotland welcomed 65 young people from all over the to Camp Frederic 2012.
The young people were given the opportunity to join Camp Frederic after working throughout the year to do good works in the name of St Vincent de Paul. Having work to make a positive impact on communities all over the country, such as visiting nursing homes, organising appeals and assisting at homeless centres, the young people (below) joined their 15 adult leaders in enjoying all that the camp had too offer.
In addition to canoeing (above right), rock climbing and fencing at the Auchengillan Outdoor Centre, the young Vincentians participated in workshops and reflections, focusing on the theme of With my own two hands, examining what they can give back to the world.
After three days of fun at Camp Frederic, the camp ended with a celebratory Mass celebrated by Xaverian Missionary Fr Paddy Duffy, with various groups of young people taking responsibility for each part of the Mass, ensuring every was involved in their final celebration together.
“These young Vincentians are a constant source of inspiration to us all,” Clare Carr, the SSVP national youth development officer, said. “No matter what is going on in their own lives, they are eager to help those who are in need. It is a reminder that young people are indeed happy to be part of the Catholic community, and just need to be given the opportunities for participation.”